The First Attempts To Make A Banana Bread Recipe

By Ben Cook

The original banana bread recipe looked nothing like it does today, and it sure didn't taste like it does today. There have been many cultures spanning over thousands of years that have tried to improve upon the original bread recipe. Eventually, from these efforts the modern day banana bread recipe was born.

We can not say with absolute certainty when and where the first banana bread recipe surfaced. It was likely an experiment that went over well and was copied over and over again. It was probably not documented considering the time in history. Cooking skills were passed on from either the servant or the mother to little girls who might need them some day.

When bread was first developed, it was what we now call today, a quick bread. Banana bread recipes fall under this category as well. Quick bread is simply a bread recipe that is devoid of yeast. It means that it can be finished faster and the cooking time is shorter. Waiting for yeast to rise can be a long process. Of course, when bread was first discovered as a viable food source, it wasn't designed to be eaten as a dessert of fancy bread. It was designed to fill the void and travel well.

Quick bread was the only bread available when tits introduction came about around 12, 000 years ago. This bread was flat, hard and chewy, and lacked any great flavor. But it was filling and cheap and easy to make. Simply grinding up some wheat flour and adding some water to the mixture turned into "bread" when added to hot rocks and ash coverings for the cooking part.

Banana bread recipe attempts were most likely made during this time. In order to create a more pleasant taste there were numerous additions to the bread making process, including fruit and spices. A little mashed up banana in the original bread recipe could definitely help create some flavors that would make the bread much more palatable.

Bread was changed dramatically 6, 000 years later when the Egyptians figured out that bread dough made from wheat could rise provided that there was an appropriate place to ferment the dough. This added air, which in turn created a softer more palatable bread.

A Greek philosopher was heralded as producing the original book on botany, and in this book you can find a thorough explanation and a drawn picture of the banana plant. This means that Greece had bananas and they were already starting to experiment with the different ways they could approach the creation of bread.

In 1796 North America saw it first cook book, and it also saw its first introduction to leavening with Pearlash. It wouldn't be until'75 that baking powder would come to American markets. The'th century banana bread recipe was made in the United States and very closely resembles the banana bread recipe that sits in your own cook book. - 30289

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